Set Operation

The first step is to choose the item on which the operation will be performed.

Once the item is defined, you can click the Choose Function button and select the operation to be executed.

If you want to execute the operation with a delay, you can define a timer; this configuration is very useful if other operations have been configured. For example, if you want a light to stay on for 30 seconds, you can configure a first operation to turn on the light and a second operation to turn it off with a delay of 30 seconds.

The first step is to choose the item on which the operation will be performed.

Once the item is defined, you can click the Choose Function button and select the operation to be executed.

If you want to execute the operation with a delay, you can define a timer; this configuration is very useful if other operations have been configured. For example, if you want a light to stay on for 30 seconds, you can configure a first operation to turn on the light and a second operation to turn it off with a delay of 30 seconds.

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